How to Prepare for Filming

We’re excited to capture your loved one’s precious memories and wisdom. To ensure the best possible experience and outcome, please follow these preparation tips:

Before the Interview Day

  1. Choose the Right Location:
    • Select a quiet, well-lit room with minimal background noise.
    • Ensure the space is comfortable for your loved one and has good air circulation.
    • Clear the area of clutter, but keep meaningful objects that could spark stories.
  2. Prepare Your Loved One:
    • Explain the process and purpose of the interview.
    • Encourage them to reflect on stories they’d like to share.
    • Assure them that it’s okay to take breaks or ask for clarification.
  3. Gather Materials:
  4. Plan the Wardrobe:
    • Choose comfortable, solid-colored clothing (avoid busy patterns or stark white).
    • If glasses are worn, ensure they’re glare-resistant.


On the Interview Day

  1. Create a Calm Environment:
    • Minimize distractions (turn off phones, TVs, etc.).
    • Ensure pets are in a separate area.
    • Maintain a comfortable room temperature.
  2. Final Preparations:
    • Have your loved one eat a light meal before the interview.
    • Ensure they’re well-rested and comfortable.
    • Do a final check of the interview space.
  3. During the Interview:
    • Stay nearby, but in another room, unless invited in.
    • Let your loved one speak freely without interruption.
    • Be prepared to offer gentle prompts if needed.
  4. After the Interview:
    • Maybe plan a relaxing activity for your loved one.
    • Express your gratitude for their participation.


Additional Tips

  • If needed, arrange for other family members to be available (off-camera) for moral support.
  • Consider having favorite snacks or beverages on hand for breaks.
  • Remind your loved one that retakes are perfectly fine if needed.
Remember, the goal is to create a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere where your loved one can share their stories naturally. If you have any questions or special requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to preserving your family’s legacy!
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